Project Expanded Diseased Leaf Detection Project on STM32 Embedded Machine Learning System (2022) - Python, C Proposed an effective apporoach to fit the dataset and enhance model’s accuracy under 1MB memory constraint. Optimized the weights and biases when deploying the model on embedded system. Implemented successfully the 2D CNNs with high accuracy. Diseased Leaf Detection and Classification (2022) - Python Collected, extracted and analyzed data using Pandas, NumPy libraries. Created and developed an Ensemble Learning of EfficientNetB7 and Exception model. Enhanced the model accuracy by taking the average values to achieve 96%. Handwritten Digits Recognition (2021) - Python, C - STM32 H743ZI2 Developed a CNN model to classify handwritten digits in Python. Designed and optimized the Convolutional layer, Max pooling layer and Dense layer in C. Deployed the weights and biases of the pre-trained model into the Microcontroller STM32 H743ZI2 board. Spam Email Classification (2021) - Python Built a model to classify an email to be spam or non-spam based on Naiive Bayes Theorem. Optimized the model by using Scikit-learn library Accuracy: 97% House Prices Prediction (2021) - Python Extracted, analyzed and visualized the dataset. Developed a data transformation to optimize the Linear Regression Model. Built a valuation tool for the prices prediction. Fire Warning Device (2016) - C Developed an electronic device using Micro-controller 8051 The device is a combination of measuring temperature, humidity, gas, current and displays on a LCD soldiered on the circuit. The device will alarm through a speaker when the temperature or gas concentration increases rapidly and passes the threshold.